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2 minutes read  |  Posted: 16 April 2024


Image of StampCard on the mobile app

What you'll get from this article:

Find out about our customer loyalty programme
How does StampCards work?
Links to opt-in on the Partner Hub

What is StampCards?

StampCards is the exclusive Just Eat loyalty programme that’s the ideal way to reward your loyal customers. With a discount for them and more orders for you, StampCards is a win-win. We’ve designed it so that rewards earned at your restaurant can only be claimed at your restaurant - so being part of StampCards is sure to bring in more repeat business and more new customers.

Plus, it’s free to sign up and join, simple to set-up and track.

How does it work?

A customer collects a stamp every time they order from your restaurant.

Each stamp is worth 10% of their order (exc. fees and charges) and will be saved on their own StampCard.

Once the customer has collected 5 stamps from your restaurant, they will receive the discount for their sixth order. Their discount is only applied to that sixth order and it happens automatically, so you only pay when the customer places their sixth order with you.

The discount the customer redeems is a total of their 5 stamps they have previously collected from your restaurant.

Why should you opt-in to StampCards?

StampCards encourage your customers to keep ordering from you. In turn,  you could gain up to 17% more returning customers per month.

And of course, more returning customers means more orders – 21% on average. Opted-in Partners have seen up to 14% revenue growth in the first month.

StampCards also keep your restaurant top of mind for your customers. They’ll receive a dedicated set of marketing emails and push messages with your business name and logo.


Can I opt-out?

When you opt-in to StampCards, you agree to take part for a minimum of 3 months. After that, you can opt out anytime from the StampCards page.

Can I still run other offers?

Yes, you can still run other offers for your customers as usual.

Can I change the value of the stamps collected by customers?

No, the stamp value is fixed at 10%.

What if a customer tries to use their discount on an order that costs less than the discount amount?

A customer’s discount can only be used with an order that is of equal or greater value. For example, if a customer has a discount worth €20, it can only be used on orders of €20 or more. If the customer places an order that’s less than their discount amount, their discount will not be used. Just Eat automatically applies the customer’s discount to valid orders, so you don’t need to do anything.

Can I see the results of StampCards for my business?

Yes. Once you join, you can track the value of the orders placed by StampCards customers, the average value of each StampCards order, as well as the number of stamps collected.


Find out more on the Partner Hub here.