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1 minute read  |  Posted: 16 April 2024

Cheeky Tuesday

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What you'll get from this article:

Find out about our most popular promotion

Our most popular promotion

Cheeky Tuesday is an exclusive 20% off offer for your customers every Tuesday, and is by far our most popular promotion.

And no wonder. The offer brings in 31% more orders to participating Partners!

Our Cheeky Tuesday Marketing Campaign

Here are a few of the ways we’ll make sure that no-one misses that you’re taking part:

  • More promotion and visibility on the the app – everyone’s going to see it’s Cheeky Tuesday
  • Social media adverts that link to Cheeky Tuesday Partners on the app
  • Online banners that take customers to the app to order from their local Cheeky Tuesday Partners
  • Radio adverts reaching even more customers to spread the love for Cheeky Tuesday