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1 minute read  |  Posted: 23 December 2022

Tips to keep energy costs down

Business owner

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Useful tips to save on energy costs

Top tips to help keep energy costs down

If you’re looking to cut your energy costs, then it’s always worth considering how you can use less gas and electricity. Figures show that less than half of the energy consumed in some kitchens is used for food storage and preparation.

Never leave equipment switched on

Only turn on ovens, grills, and other equipment when needed and switch them off again immediately after use.

Keep equipment clean and maintained

Make sure all cooking equipment is cleaned and maintained so it works efficiently and lasts longer.

Turn the lights off when not in use

Switch off lights in store cupboards, toilets, and any other rooms when they’re not being used. It might help to fit motion sensors, particularly in areas that aren’t in constant use.

Service heating, ventilation and aircon systems regularly

Make sure all heating and cooling systems are kept clean and well maintained to optimise performance.

Switch off extraction hoods when not in use

Leaving extraction hoods on when not in use is a needless waste of energy and wear and tear on your equipment.

Keep draughts out

Double glazed windows, draught-proofing and properly insulating walls and roofs are all ways you can reduce heat loss.

Keep fridge and freezer doors closed

Cool air can quickly escape through open fridge doors meaning the appliance needs to work harder to keep food cool. So, make sure that doors are closed fully when not in use.

Check seals are intact

Replace any broken seals straight away. If the seals are broken, then cool air will escape, and your appliance will need to work harder to keep food cool.

Turn off fridges after hours (if possible)

If you have any fridges that don’t hold perishable goods (a drinks fridge, for instance) then turn them off when your restaurant is closed. Don’t forget to turn them back on when you reopen.

Insulate hot water pipes

This helps to make sure heat isn’t lost as water is carried through pipes and will help stop them freezing in winter. Insulating pipes and servicing boilers regularly can also help reduce wasted energy.

Cut the temperature of your heated water

Dropping the temperature of your hot water can reduce energy costs. Bear in mind that hot water should be stored at least at 60°C and distributed so that it reaches a temperature of 50°C within one minute at the outlets.