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1 minute read  |  Posted: 22 June 2023

Healthier choices for all

Healthy ingredients

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Top tips for practical steps to take

Healthier choices for all

The takeaway sector is full of small, independent restaurants that provide an incredibly diverse range of cuisines. Here are some simple, practical steps, which, taken together, can have a significant overall impact on those looking for healthier choices, helping customers make the decisions which are right for them whether they are eating out or ordering in.

Our tips:

Offer smaller portion sizes

Offering smaller portions, including for foods such as curries, kebabs, sushi and stir fries, will support customers to make choices which are right for them and their families – especially when they are made visible through menu listings and/or websites.

Make sure water and low-sugar drinks are available

Offering water, low or zero-sugar drinks or no added sugar fruit juices, whilst also refilling reusable bottles with tap water, can support customers to choose low-sugar drink options.

No added salt after cooking

Not adding salt after cooking will reduce the level of salt in food served – a simple step that can make a positive difference for customers.

Use healthier cooking methods and ingredients

sing alternative cooking methods such as air-frying, grilling and frying in the optimum conditions, whilst reviewing menus to ensure fruit, vegetables and wholemeal varieties are included, will help to promote healthy eating.

Healthier cooking oil

Takeaway restaurants should use cooking oil that contains the least amount of saturated fat possible, with no artificial trans fats.