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1 minute read  |  Posted: 31 July 2024

2024 trends so far

Grocery order

What you'll get from this article:

Find out the latest food trends from the past 6 months
Explore the top selling products
See how your pricing compares to the averages

What have the last 6 months of 2024 told us?

Looking at the data from independent Restaurant Partners from the first half of this year, we’ve summarised the numbers below which we think you’ll find interesting!

Grocery stats

Key takeaways

  • Consider catering to vegetarian and vegan diets. You could be missing out on orders!


  • Chips are always popular, versatile and profitable. Try to include them on your menu if it works for you.


  • On slower days, consider opting in to Cheeky Tuesdays to give mid-week sales a boost.