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1 minute read  |  Posted: 02 February 2023

Download our sustainability guide

Sustainable packaging

What you'll get from this article:

Top tips to run a more sustainable business
Understand that being more sustainable can help protect profits
Link to download our full guide

Find your recipe for a sustainable future

Discover the ingredients for a more sustainable future. We’ve created an engaging and informative sustainability guide for our Just Eat Partners. You’ll find all the details and inspiration you need in the guide, but here’s a taster below.

Better for everyone

Becoming more sustainable is not only good for the environment, it could also help you drive business and save costs. Check out a few of our top tips:

69% of people say they keep sustainability in mind when deciding what to eat. Try to make sure you show them you're committed to sustainability
Use bikes and e-bikes for the shorter journeys and save on fuel costs
Remove or reduce single use plastic
Offer lower carbon food choices to appeal to flexitarian customers
Switch to a 100% renewable electricity tariff
Cut energy consumption by finding out what you’re currently using

Let’s set off for a more sustainable future!