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1 minute read  |  Posted: 09 May 2024

Add fizz to every order


What you'll get from this article:

Discover how soft drinks boost order values
How to add them to your menu

Stock a range of soft drinks and boost your profit potential

Soft drinks are high margin, high volume sellers that bring a big opportunity to increase basket size and average order values. Did you know that one in five Just Eat orders contains a drink? Or that having drinks on your menu on average boosts your order value by 25%? Soft drinks are also a great way to complete a meal deal offer and people are always looking for one of those. 

Adding to your menu

Step 1 - Add drinks to your menu

Some examples of the best-selling soft drinks. Add a selection of them to your menu for your customers to enjoy:

  • Coca-Cola 
  • Diet Coca-Cola 
  • Coke Zero
  • Fanta 
  • Sprite 

Step 2Create a Drinks category on your menu

You’ll provide a better shopping experience, and easier navigation for your customers, when you create a separate 'Drinks' category on your menu. This will help customers make their choices faster, and ensure that more people see the range you offer. 

Login to Partner Hub > Select 'Menu/Items' > 'Manage your menu' > '+ Add category'

Step 3 - Add photos and make a real impression

More excitement makes for more sales - and great looking photos get more people placing orders. They’ve been shown to lift orders by 16% and items with photos are four times more likely to be added to customers’ baskets. 

The more photos you show on your menu, the better.