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3 minutes read  |  Posted: 13 May 2024

Responding to customer reviews

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What you'll get from this article:

Guidelines when responding to customer reviews

How to respond to reviews

  1. Go to the Partner Hub and click the ‘Reviews’ tab at the top of the page. Here, you’ll see your business' average review score, alongside all of your ratings and reviews.
  2. Tap on 'Reply' under to the review you want to respond to, and a text box will appear.
  3. Type your response into the text box and tap 'Send'. Your response will then be sent for approval and published within 48 hours.

Our customer review response tips

Responding to a review – whether it’s a good one or a bad one – shows your customers that you care about their experience. Your response will be visible to all customers, so please keep the following in mind:

Be polite

Thank the customer for taking the time to leave the review. (Even if it’s negative.)

Be professional

Talk about the issues the customer is upset about. Don’t ignore them or treat them as if they’re not important.

Be patient

Don’t be defensive or get personal, even if the customer is rude. Remember that potential customers can see your response.

Be proactive

Take the opportunity to fix the customer’s problem. Offer to include a free item with their next order or let them know that you're implementing changes.

These actions will support in the customer deciding to reorder with you!

Understanding manual moderating

What happens if a review response is flagged for manual moderating?

A review response can be accepted, amended or rejected. 

Note: We would never add or reword a review response. Spelling / grammar mistakes are not corrected.

Accepted: Your response is accepted and visible on the platform.

Amended: If most of the review is fine however certain parts need to be removed, we can remove those parts so long as the rest of the review makes sense. Foul language & direct marketing are prohibited. Example below:

Original Review Response - 

“Hi Customer, we are sorry that you did not enjoy your order as much as you have in the past, we will pass on your feedback to the chef and we will try our best to improve. Please email me at [email protected] to get a free voucher.”

In this case, we would approve the majority of the review and as a result we would amend the review response to exclude the last line due to the direct marketing/contact attempt.

Amended Review Response - 

“Hi Customer, we are sorry that you did not enjoy your order as much as you have in the past, we will pass on your feedback to the chef and and we will try our best to improve.”

Rejected: A review response will be rejected if it only contains direct marketing (email addresses, telephone numbers, URLs) / foul language and as a result it cannot be published. If a review response is impolite or inaccurate, it will also be rejected.

We will be in touch if we amend or reject your customer review responses. 

Our commitment to you

If you suspect fake or malicious reviews are being posted about your business, please get in touch with us via the Partner Hub and we’ll look into them for you:

  • Select the Business help Tab
  • Select 'Send us a message'
  • Select 'Reviews' as the topic and then include the relevant order number and details regarding why you want the review removed in the text box

We will aim to get back to you within 48 hours.