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1 minute read  |  Posted: 18 December 2023

September dates for your diary

Business owner

What you'll get from this article:

Stay on top of key events this month
Useful tips to help boost your sales

September dates for your diary

Back to school and back to business! September is here and it’s time for autumn festivals and colours, and harvest foods that warm the body and soul.

Summer may be coming to an end, but the evenings are still bright and mild. September is a month with plenty to celebrate and do, including Culture Night on the 20th.

Key dates to note

  • 5 September - International Day of Charity

  • 7-22 September - Dublin Fringe

  • 17-19 September - National Ploughing Championships (Ratheniska)

  • 20 September - Culture Night

  • 22 September - Autumn begins

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