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1 minute read  |  Posted: 04 October 2023

How to make the most of your menu


What you'll get from this article:

See videos with ideas that will help you bring in more orders
Discover better ways to organise and present your menu
Find out how to stand from the competition, and win

Make your menu work harder for you

There are loads of things you can do to make your menu more appealing and improve your sales. It’s not rocket science, just some tricks of the trade that’ll make it easier for people to find, choose and buy what they want. 

Best of all, they’re easy to do on the Partner Hub. Maximise your menu’s opportunities for success and motivate more customers to order by following these steps - and check out the short video which wraps them all up. 


Header photos, dish photography and descriptions

  1. Include a header image that best represents your restaurant/ best selling dishes.
  2. Include high quality dish photography on as many menu items as possible.
  3. Provide accurate descriptions for all your menu items.

Meal deals and categories

  1. Add catchy names to meal deals.
  2. Create categories for easy navigation.
  3. Add dietary tags such as 'Vegetarian' to your dishes.

Stock up and check your pricing

7. Create fun bundles for families and groups. 

8. Add drinks to your menu to become a one-stop-shop.

9. Compare your prices with the competition.