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1 minute read  |  Posted: 14 June 2023

Bring in more orders with dish photography

Food prep

What you'll get from this article:

Tips on how to make your menu stand out
Reasons why you should upload dish photography

Why should I upload dish photography?

  • Menu items with dish imagery are four times more likely to be added to the basket.
  • Our research shows that 42% of customers tried a new restaurant because of the photography.
  • Once a menu item has a photo, it will receive an average of 16% more orders.
  • We found that 38% of customers tried a new dish because of the photography.

Our Top Tips

Use the best quality camera you have

A digital camera is better than a smartphone, but you can still get great pictures if you only have a smartphone available.

Take the picture in natural daylight or a well-lit room

Don’t forget to use consistent background across your photos.

Make sure the food is fresh and looks ready to serve

It’s up to you - Display the food in takeaway containers or on regular plates. Just wipe away any drips or mess and make sure they’re clean.